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Privacy policy

§1 Information on the collection of personal data

(1) In the following, we provide information about the collection of personal data when using our website. Personal data is all data that can be related to you personally, e.g. name, address, e-mail addresses, user behavior. In this way, we would like to inform you about our processing operations and at the same time comply with the legal obligations, in particular from the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

(2) Responsible person acc. Art. 4 para. 7 of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is IBISCH GmbH, Kaiser-Joseph-Straße 194, 79098 Freiburg, (see our legal notice –

(3) When you contact us by e-mail or via a contact form, the data you provide (your e-mail address, possibly your name and telephone number) will be stored by us in order to answer your questions. We delete the data arising in this context, if the request is assigned to a contract, after the contract term, otherwise after the storage is no longer necessary, or restrict the processing if there are legal storage obligations.

(4) If we use contracted service providers for individual functions of our offer or wish to use your data for advertising purposes, we will always carefully select and monitor these service providers and inform you in detail below about the respective processes. We also specify the defined criteria for the storage period.

§2 Your rights

(1) You have the following rights vis-à-vis the controller with regard to your personal data:

–    Right to information,

–    Right to rectification or erasure,

–    Right to restriction of processing,

–    Right to object to processing,

–    Right to data portability.

(2) You also have the right to complain to a data protection supervisory authority about the processing of your personal data by us.

§3 Processing of personal data when visiting our website

When using the website for information purposes, i.e. simply viewing it without registering and without transmitting any other information to us, we process the personal data that your browser transmits to our server. The data described below is technically necessary for us to display our website to you and to ensure stability and security and must therefore be processed by us. The legal basis is Art. 6 para. 1 p. 1 lit. f GDPR:

–    IP address

–    Date and time of the request

–    Time zone difference to Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)

–    Content of the request (page visited)

–    Access status/HTTP status code

–    Volume of data transferred in each case

–    Previously visited page

–    Browser

–    Operating system

–    Language and version of the browser software.

§4 Further functions and offers of our website

(1) In addition to the purely informational use of our website, we offer various services that you can use if you are interested and use other common functions to analyze or market our offers, which are presented in more detail below. For this purpose, you must generally provide further personal data or we process such further data that we use to perform the respective service. The aforementioned data processing principles apply to all data processing purposes described here.

(2) In some cases, we use external service providers to process your data. These have been carefully selected by us, are bound by our instructions and are checked regularly.

(3) Furthermore, we may pass on your personal data to third parties if we offer participation in promotions, competitions, contracts or similar services together with partners. Depending on the service, your data may also be collected by the partners on their own responsibility. You will receive more information when you enter your details or below in the description of the respective offers.

(4) If our service providers or partners are based in a country outside the European Economic Area (EEA), we will inform you of the consequences of this circumstance in the description of the offer.

§5 Objection or revocation against the processing of your data

(1) If you have given your consent to the processing of your data, you can revoke this at any time. Such a revocation affects the permissibility of the processing of your personal data after you have declared it to us. The permissibility of the processing of your data up to the time of your revocation remains unaffected.

(2) Insofar as we base the processing of your personal data on the balancing of interests, you can object to the processing. This is the case if the processing is not required in particular to fulfill a contract with you, which is described by us in the following description of the functions. When exercising such an objection, we ask you to explain the reasons why we should not process your personal data as we have done. In the event of your justified objection, we will examine the situation and either discontinue or adapt the data processing or point out to you our compelling reasons worthy of protection on the basis of which we will continue the processing.

(3) Of course, you can object to the processing of your personal data for advertising and data analysis purposes at any time. The best way to exercise your advertising objection is to contact us using the contact details given above.

§6 Processing of data from your end devices (“Cookie Policy”)

(1) In addition to the above-mentioned data, we use technical aids for various functions when you use our website, in particular cookies, which may be stored on your end device. When you access our website and at any time thereafter, you have the choice of whether you generally allow cookies to be set or which individual additional functions you would like to select. You can make changes in your browser settings or via our Consent Manager. In the following, we first describe cookies from a technical point of view (2), before going into more detail about your individual choices by describing technically necessary cookies (3) and cookies that you can voluntarily select or deselect (4).

(2) Cookies are text files or information in a database that are stored on your hard disk and assigned to the browser you are using so that certain information can flow to the body that sets the cookie. Cookies cannot execute programs or transfer viruses to your computer, but are primarily used to make the website faster and more user-friendly. This website uses the following types of cookies, whose function and legal basis are explained below:

– Transient cookies: Such cookies, especially session cookies, are automatically deleted when the browser is closed or when you log out. They contain a so-called session ID. In this way, various requests from your browser can be assigned to the shared session and your computer can be recognized when you return to our website.

– Persistent cookies: These are automatically deleted after a specified period, which varies depending on the cookie. You can view the cookies that have been set and their duration at any time in your browser settings and delete them manually.

(3) Mandatory functions that are technically necessary to display the website: The technical structure of the website requires us to use technologies, in particular cookies. Without these technologies, our website cannot be displayed (completely correctly) or the support functions could not be enabled. These are basically transient cookies that are deleted at the end of your website visit, at the latest when you close your browser. You cannot deselect these cookies if you wish to use our website. The individual cookies can be seen in the Constent Manager. The legal basis for this processing is Art. 6 para. 1 p. 1 lit. f GDPR.

(4) Optional cookies if you give your consent: We only set various cookies with your consent, which you can select on your first visit to our website via the so-called cookie consent tool. The functions are only activated with your consent and may be used in particular to enable us to analyze and improve visits to our website, to make it easier for you to use our website via different browsers or end devices, to recognize you when you visit our website or to place advertising (possibly also to tailor advertising to your interests, measure the effectiveness of advertisements or show interest-based advertising). The legal basis for this processing is Art. 6 para. 1 p. 1 lit. a GDPR. You may withdraw your consent at any time without affecting the lawfulness of processing based on consent before its withdrawal. The functions we use, which you can select and revoke individually via the Constent Manager, are described below.

§7 External hosting / Content Delivery Networks (CDN)

This website is hosted by an external service provider who Group AG,

Carlsgatan 3,

211 20 Malmö (Sweden).

The personal data collected on this website is stored on the servers of the external service provider, cf. the list in § 3 (1). Your data will only be processed by our external service provider if this is necessary to fulfill its contractual obligations and if it follows our instructions regarding your data.

Since the external service provider acts on our behalf with regard to the collection, processing and use of personal data, we have concluded a contract for commissioned data processing with the service provider to implement the requirements of Art. 28 GDPR.

The legal basis for the use of the external service provider is Art. 6 para. 1 p. 1 lit. b and f GDPR.

§8 Social media

Use of social media plug-ins

We do not currently use any social media plug-ins.

§9 Use of the Microsoft Teams conference tool

To conduct real-time video or audio conferences, we use Microsoft Teams, service of Microsoft Corporation, One Microsfot Way, Redmond, WA 98052-6399, USA.

If you communicate with us via video or audio conference, your personal data will be collected both by us and by Microsoft Teams.

The following data is collected:

–    E-mail address

–    Phone number

–    Start and end of conference participation

–    Duration of the conference

–    Number of conference participants

–    Other “context information” in connection with the communication process (metadata)

–    all technical data required for processing online communication (in particular IP address, MAC address, device IDs, device type, operating system and its interface, client version, camera type, microphone, loudspeaker, type of connection)

Microsoft Teams also stores the exchange, uploading or provision of content in any other way on its servers. This includes the following contents in particular:

–    Chat / instant messages

–    Cloud recordings

–    Photos and videos uploaded via voicemail, files, whiteboards and other information shared in the course of using the service.

We initially process and store your personal data for the duration for which the respective purpose of use requires corresponding storage. This may also include the periods of contract initiation and contract execution. On this basis, personal data is regularly deleted as part of the fulfillment of our contractual and/or legal obligations, unless its temporary further processing is necessary for the following purposes:

–    Fulfillment of legal obligations to maintain records, e.g. arising from the German Commercial Code (Sections 238, 257 (4) HGB) and the German Fiscal Code (Section 147 (3), (4) AO). The retention and documentation periods specified there are up to ten years.

–    Preservation of evidence under consideration of the statute of limitations. According to §§ 194 ff. of the German Civil Code (BGB), these limitation periods can be up to 30 years, whereby the regular limitation period is three years.

The provisions in §§ 3 and 5 of this privacy policy apply to the exercise of your rights.

Further legal information (such as guidelines and general terms and conditions) on this service can be found at and /. The privacy policy of the service can be viewed at

Since Microsoft Teams acts on our behalf with regard to the collection, processing and use of personal data, we have concluded a contract with Zoom for commissioned data processing to implement the requirements of Art. 28 GDPR.

The legal basis for the use of Zoom is Art. 6 para. 1 p. 1 lit. b and f GDPR.

§10 Data security

All information that you transmit to us is stored on servers within the European Union. Unfortunately, the transmission of information via the Internet is not completely secure, which is why we cannot guarantee the security of data transmitted to our website via the Internet. However, we use technical and organizational measures to protect our website and other systems against loss, destruction, access, modification or dissemination of your data by unauthorized persons. In particular, your personal data is transmitted to us in encrypted form. We use the SSL (Secure Socket Layer) or TLS (Transport Layer Security) coding system.

§11 No disclosure of personal data

We do not pass on your personal data to third parties unless you have consented to the passing on of data or we are entitled or obliged to pass on data on the basis of statutory provisions and/or official or court orders. In particular, this may involve the provision of information for the purposes of criminal prosecution, averting danger or enforcing intellectual property rights.

§12 Data protection and third-party websites

The website may contain hyperlinks to and from third-party websites. If you follow a hyperlink to one of these websites, please note that we cannot accept any responsibility or guarantee for third-party content or data protection conditions. Please check the applicable data protection conditions before you transmit personal data to these websites.

§13 Changes to these data protection provisions

We reserve the right to amend these data protection provisions at any time with effect for the future. A current version is available on the website. Please visit the website regularly and inform yourself about the applicable data protection regulations.